Those of you who read my blog and site know that I am a fan of Garfield. You may also remember a few lengthy articles I wrote on how, by giving Jon a girlfriend in long time vet Liz Wilson, the series has improved dramatically (she's basically a new spice thrown into the mix). I suggested that if David wanted to keep the momentum going he'd have Jon propose to her, get married, and start a family. Not only would this story line take a few years to get through, but it would give Garfield new blood to mix with. I think we may be closer to that though. Let's take a look at whats been happening in the comic recently:
- Garfield has become friends with Liz.
- Garfield has, in his own way, given Jon his blessing to date Liz by letting him go on a few dates with her alone.
- Jon is happy when he's with Liz and bored when he's not.
- Jon actually mentioned to his parents that he's dating someone.
Now then, let's think about this: Jon has
told his parents he's dating Liz. This is huge. Jon's family never appears in the comic strip anymore. Not only that, but they've been bugging him to get married for over thirty years now. This would be the perfect time for Jon to make a trip down to the farm and bring along life other then his pets. After a couple of weeks of high-jinks Jon's parents will, with sarcasm and a smile, approve of the new lady in his life. Chances are the sinker to the whole deal is if Grandma approves of Liz, who will then push 'Johnny Boy' to settle down. Once this happens the wheels are in motion and there's nowhere to go except forward with the proposal and wedding. This may take some time, but I look forward to seeing it all take place, bringing new life into this strip that it could really use.